With decades of experience in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions, including lower back pain (with and without associated nerve pain), neck pain (with and without nerve pain), tension headaches, migraine headaches, mid back pain, whip-lash, and other accident-related injuries, as well as shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle conditions, I am confident I will be able to assist you to resolve your specific problem.
Patients are usually needing chiropractic care due to pain, and I have found through my years of experience that in order to adequately and effectively manage ‘pain syndromes’ there are three phases of care that provide the best results.
New Patient
1st visit
R795.00 (45 min)
During your initial visit, your primary reason for visiting us will be assessed. This consultation will include some, or all, of the following:
- Full history (chiropractic and medical)
- Examination (including orthopaedic, neurological, blood pressure, range of motion, static and motion palpation, muscle tone assessment, gait and balance assessment, and myofascial assessment)
- Myofascial trigger point release
- Graston myo-fascial release
- Possible referral for X-Ray evaluation
- Specific care plan
- Chiropractic adjustment
Follow Up Appointments:
1, 2, or 3 depending on individual and specific requirements.
1. R645.00 / follow-up visit (30 min)
2. R765.00 / follow-up visit (45min)
3. R965.00 / follow-up visit (60 min)
- Follow up assessment
- X-Ray report back (if applicable)
- Chiropractic adjustment
Possible additional treatments may include:
– Graston technique
– Stretching exercises
– Strengthening exercises (possible referral for back care classes, osteoporosis care classes, muscle tone classes)
– Posture and ergonomic advice
– Nutritional advice and appropriate supplement recommendation
Managing chiropractic conditions effectively requires three phases of care in order to provide the best results.
My goal is to guide patients through the 3 phases of care in order to restore full function in the quickest, but safest time frame.
Acute Phase Care
(all patients)
This phase of care is designed to improve the motion and flexibility of the involved segments of your spine. During this phase, with improved joint mobility, there will be decreased swelling, inflammation, and muscle spasm, which leads to decreased pain. Through this phase, you will typically be seen 2-3 times a week. Regular and repetitive treatments are absolutely necessary to facilitate the healing process.
Corrective Phase Care
(all patients)
Once the joint motion of the involved spinal segments has been re-established, the frequency of care will decrease to once a week. During this time, you will be instructed on techniques that will aid in your long-term improvement. Therapeutic stretches, rehabilitative postural exercises, ergonomics, and other factors that promote the healing of supportive soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissue) will be discussed. Common factors that lead to relapses are insufficient muscular support, repetitive, and overuse type daily activities, and joint degeneration. These factors must be addressed in order to achieve correction and/or stabilization of your condition.
Wellness Phase Care
(whether you are a candidate for the 3rd phase of care will be discussed on and individual basis)
Many people choose to continue benefiting from chiropractic care with periodic spinal adjustments. These visits typically occur once every 4 to 6 weeks, on a maintenance and preventative basis. The goal of Chiropractic Maintenance Care includes locating minor problems before they become more serious, potentially minimizing the arthritic changes that occur due to poor joint motion and alignment, reducing the likelihood of flare-ups in problem joints, and maximizing your quality of life by maintaining mobility as you age.